This project was nominated for DesignTalent2017 The protect is based on how to make a atmospheres of home in for example modern office buildings. The result is a collection of twenty-four designs for curtains in different colours and patterns. The project plays with the use of design […]

Zone Denmark
This project is made for Zone Denmark. The result is three series of printed PWC placemats with four placemats in each.

Kvadrat Soft Cells
This project is made doing my internship with Kvadrat Soft Cells. It is a 3 dimensional textile panel used for acoustics regulation.

Shade and Transparency
The project plays with the different between shade and transparency within curtains. It uses only colours to open and close for the transparency. The result of this project is a collection of thirteen designs for curtain, differentiated by colours. Half of the designs are in […]

This project was nominated for DesignTalent2015 The inspiration has been taking from, Glasgow GB. The project is made with a focus on sustainability – it strives to make the user keep the products for a long time. The collection includes one tablecloth, four placemats and […]

The feeling of being cold and wet
This project is a collection of prints for rainwear inspired by the feeling of being cold and wet. The collection contains 10 different prints.